This is a short installation guide for the new DisableUnless rule that I recently added to scalafix.


The DisableUnless rule bans usages of “disabled” symbols unless in a “safe” block.

Let’s look at a simple example.

With the given config:

DisableUnless.symbols = [
        unless = "test.DisableUnless.IO"
        symbols = [
                symbol = "scala.Predef.println"
                message = "println has side-effects"

We get several linter errors in the following code:

package test

object Test {
    object IO {
        def apply[T](run: => T) = ???

    println("hi") // not ok

    IO {
        println("hi") // ok

    IO {
        def sideEffect(i: Int) = println("not good!") // not ok
        (i: Int) => println("also not good!") // not ok

Snaphost installation

Currently rule isn’t in the official release, so you should install a snapshot version to use it.

// If using sbt-scalafix, add to project/plugins.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.scala" % "sbt-scalafix" % "0.5.7-70-7c4efe55-SNAPSHOT")

// If using scalafix-cli, launch with coursier
coursier launch ch.epfl.scala:scalafix-cli_2.12.4:0.5.7-70-7c4efe55-SNAPSHOT -r sonatype:snapshots --main scalafix.cli.Cli -- --help

And then create .scalafix.conf file in the root of our project. See more here.


By default, all symbols are permitted. To disallow a symbol in a block:

DisableUnless.symbols = [
        unless = "scala.Option"
        symbols = [
                symbol = "test.DisableUnless.dangerousFunction"
                message = "the function may return null"

You can use objects or regular strings to specify blocked symbols, message is optional parameter and could be used to provide custom errors.

Quick-start config

To quickly start using this rule and scalafix overall I suggest a very simple config. It blocks some “not safe” stuff that usually indicates that program has side-effects/nullable values.

rules = [DisableUnless]

DisableUnless.symbols = [
        unless = "Your.IO.Class"
        symbols = {

But to use the full power of DisableUnless rule this config should be project specific. We hope that the community will share per-library banlists as the tool gains users.